Drone Photography & Videography

With Strato Drone Solutions

Drone Photography

When you think about drone photography, you're considering a fascinating blend of technology and artistry. It's not just about flying a drone; it's about mastering the craft to capture breathtaking aerial images that offer new perspectives on familiar landscapes and cityscapes. You'll need to understand various elements like regulations, weather conditions, and camera settings to produce high-quality visuals. But what makes drone photography truly mesmerizing is the way it pushes the boundaries of traditional photography. So, how do you elevate your skills to capture those compelling shots?

Drone Photographers


Drone photographers blend technical prowess with artistic vision to capture stunning aerial images that transform perspectives. As a drone photographer, you'll need to master both the technical aspects of flying a drone and the creative elements of photography. This balance allows you to not only navigate the skies safely but also frame breathtaking shots that can't be achieved from the ground.

You'll find that understanding drone regulations and weather conditions is important to successful drone operations. Knowing how to handle your drone in different scenarios ensures you can capture those perfect shots while keeping your equipment and surroundings safe. It's not just about flying; it's about flying smart.

Your role extends beyond just piloting. You'll need a keen eye for detail and a strong sense of composition. This artistic vision is what sets great drone photographers apart. You'll be able to showcase landscapes, cityscapes, and properties in ways that captivate and inform audiences, making your work invaluable in fields like real estate, tourism, and environmental monitoring.


Roof Inspection

Starting at $150

  • Commercial & Residential

  • 100% Coverage Captured in Grid

  • 20 MP Pictures or 5.7K Videos

  • Orthomosaic Photo for Measurements

  • 7 Day Turnaround


Real Estate

Starting at $200

  • 20 MP Pictures & 5.7K Videos

  • 10 Angles and Elevations

  • 15sec Edited Video with Site Details

  • Edited Photo with Site Details

  • 7 Day Turnaround

  • Custom Flight Path Available


Facade Inspections

Starting at $300

  • 100% Coverage Captured in Grid

  • 20 MP Pictures or 5.7K Videos

  • 7 Day Turnaround


Strato Transformation

Starting at $250

  • Before/after content

  • 2+ Trips

  • Sets of Video’s / Pictures

  • 30sec Transformation Video

  • Custom Flight Path Available

Aerial Photography

Aerial photography opens up a world of unique perspectives, allowing you to capture breathtaking views and intricate details from above. By harnessing the power of drones, you can photograph landscapes, cityscapes, and events in ways that were once essential. This vantage point reveals patterns and details that are invisible from the ground, offering a fresh take on familiar scenes.

When you take to the skies with your drone, you're not just capturing images; you're telling a story. The bird's-eye view offers a thorough look at the environment, perfect for showcasing the expansive beauty of natural landscapes or the intricate layout of urban areas. This makes aerial photography invaluable for industries like real estate, tourism, and environmental monitoring.

To get the best results, it's important to master your drone's flight capabilities and camera settings. You'll need to take into account factors like altitude, angles, and lighting conditions to capture the perfect shot. With practice and precision, you can create stunning visuals that captivate and inform your audience. So, elevate your photography game and explore the endless possibilities that aerial photography offers.

Aerial Images

Capturing images from above provides a fresh perspective that highlights details and patterns invisible from the ground. Aerial images let you see landscapes and cityscapes in a whole new light. Whether you're photographing a sprawling countryside or a bustling urban area, the bird's-eye view reveals a level of detail and symmetry that's simply awe-inspiring.

With drones equipped with high-resolution cameras, you can capture stunning, crystal-clear images from impressive heights. This capability is invaluable for industries like real estate, where aerial shots showcase properties and their surroundings in ways traditional photography can't. Similarly, in tourism, aerial images can highlight the beauty of a location, enticing potential visitors with breathtaking views.

Environmental monitoring also benefits greatly from aerial imagery. You can track changes in landscapes, deforestation, and other ecological issues with an accuracy and scope that ground-based observations can't match. For filmmakers and photography enthusiasts, aerial images add a dynamic and dramatic element to visual storytelling, creating engaging and memorable content.

In essence, aerial images offer a unique vantage point that enhances both artistic expression and practical applications, making them an essential tool in modern photography and various professional fields.


Customize your own flight!

You can design the flight plan ahead of time to ensure you get the shots you want. Our licensed drone pilot will accommodate the best they can.

Wondering About Price?

Find your price. It only takes about 30 seconds! No request needed.

Drone Flying

Mastering the art of drone flying opens up a world of creative and commercial opportunities. By honing your skills, you can capture extraordinary aerial shots that are impossible to obtain from the ground. Start with understanding the basics of drone navigation and control. Familiarize yourself with your drone's features, such as GPS, gimbal stabilization, and intelligent flight modes. These functionalities not only enhance the quality of your images but also guarantee smoother, safer flights.

It's essential to grasp the regulations governing drone operations in your area. Compliance with these rules keeps you and others safe while protecting your equipment. Pay close attention to weather conditions, as wind and rain can severely impact flight stability and image clarity.

Practice makes perfect. Invest time in mastering manual control and automated flight paths to capture the best angles and perspectives. Experiment with different altitudes and speeds to find unique shots. Remember, the goal is to combine technical expertise with your creative vision.

Whether you're working in real estate, filmmaking, or environmental monitoring, your ability to fly a drone effectively will set you apart. With each flight, you'll refine your techniques, leading to more engaging and professional aerial content.

Hurricane Aftermath


When a strong hurricane makes landfall, it will leave property damage on most structures that are unfortunate enough to be in its path.


Hundreds of thousands of insurance claims are filed in the following months. The shear amount of claims can be overwhelming to insurance companies who are short on man power to perform evaluations. This can result in delayed payouts, and in some cases, denial of a claim.

Roof Inspection for Verification



A Roof Survey serves as a snapshot of your roof for a certain moment in time. Images are time stamped and can be overlaid so you can make equal comparisons before and after a storm. Being able to provide your insurance company a Roof Survey when submitting a claim can be the difference in it being accepted or denied.

No Hassle

We offer upfront pricing no matter your location. Requesting takes less than 2 minutes. Have your results within one week.

Using technologies such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Orthomosaics, and Adobe; mixed with stunning photography, helps ensure that you capture the moment and data you desire.
